Happy Thanksgiving
Psychic Newsletter
In this newsletter:
Everyone has had at least one psychic experience that left them in awe. You may have dreamed an event before it happened in your waking life. Upon hearing the phone ring, you knew who was on the other end despite not having spoken to them for ages. You keep thinking about someone whom you then randomly bump into. There are, however, several ways in which psychic ability shows up and typically we have a stronger power in one over another. Some people are extraordinarily gifted and can see and feel on many consciousness levels simultaneously. You wouldn’t likely come across these people because they tend to live in isolation, away from the maddening crowds, noise, and persistent clatter. Like Hermits, they pursue and enjoy their own spiritual path in peace, silence and nature.
The ability to vividly visualize is key to the successful transmission of telepathy. This was discovered when a psychic researcher, using hypnosis telepathically to put people under, found that to concentrate on a word like “sleep”, or “relax” or other verbal commands didn’t work as effectively as when he concentrated on a vision of them sleeping.
What is Telepathy
Telepathy is a mind-to-mind communication of thoughts, feelings and ideas through psychic means. I believe all of us have this ability to varying degrees. It’s enhanced through various means such as strong, intense emotions.
Learn more about Telepathy
If you want to develop your psychic ability, go somewhere by yourself where you don’t speak the language and you’ll be amazed at how adept you become at transmitting psychic thoughts. I would imagine new-to-the-language immigrants have much to say about this well-exercised, psychic muscle!
If you wish to develop your sender psychic ability, keep a single vision in your head. Concentrate on one picture and keep it simple. Like a picture of a neon number flashing brightly or item or action. Don’t bombard your receiver with too many images or anything too complex. Numbers are the easiest because there seems to be a unique link between the mind and numbers. If someone you know is ill, send pictures to them telepathically of them being strong, vibrant and joyful.
Rapport Between Sender and Receiver Helps
Having a rapport with the person you are transmitting a message to (at least at the beginning of your apprenticeship) will foster greater success. It’s ideal to practice your telepathy while being together in the same room before sending and receiving at a distance. This will enable you to attune your brain waves, further affording the sender an immediate feedback opportunity to correct any missteps in communication. Physical tests while performing psychic transmission have shown that a psychic attunes their brain waves to the rhythm of another’s brain. Interestingly, people who are psychically attuned have heart beats in sync as well as brain waves. Hearts in this case really do beat as one!
Psychic ability is also greatly impacted by electrical facilitation or interference. For example, an active electrical storm will inhibit transmission, but electric magnetic energy generated by high frequency machines, will facilitate it.
Psychic Transmission Once a Week
Although researchers have been conducting experiments and collecting data for more than 60 years on psychic ability, we remain barely at its threshold. Undeniably, there is more acknowledgement of its existence in our mainstream culture which is helping in its development and evolution. Research however, is expensive and sadly few organizations, corporations or governments are motivated to invest in this query. Militaries regularly conduct psychic research. Unfortunately, its findings are rarely shared with the public due to “security concerns”!
It takes an extraordinary degree of energy to utilize your psychic power. As you work to develop your own, bear that in mind. Especially at the beginning of your training, you’ll find yourself bone-weary after only an hour of practice. Some people have reported dropping ten pounds in a two-hour session. Take your time, spread your practice sessions to no more than once a week (longer would be better) and don’t forget to document your results. These notes will make up the most salient book you’ll ever read on the subject because every person’s experience is unique. We tend to be gifted in either transmitting or receiving. It’s helpful to know what you are, when it works optimally and when it’s blocked.
If you’re a gifted transmitter you’re labelled a “charismatic”. You influence people (think motivators, politicians, sales) to do what you want them to do. If you’re a gifted receiver, you’re what is called an “empath”. You perceive non-verbally what people are thinking (think counselor, emergency responder, guard) and act according to their needs and intentions.
Psychic communication is a powerful gift we all share. Use it for good and it will serve you well; use it to be manipulative and get prepared for a spiritual backlash. Once you open your heart and mind to this gift, you’ll never shut that door again. It’s uplifting, educational, helpful, transformational, and powerful. It’s exciting and it may save yours or a loved one’s life one day.
Blessings Kathleen

Testimonial Snippet
It was a bizarre experience since I have never had a reading. I did not expect my future to be read so specifically but I’ll have to wait a couple years to see if anything is confirmed for certain. I’m hopeful the future she read is accurate as it was lovely. I’ll be back maybe next year 🙂 thanks!
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Call: 778-433-9145
Email Kathleen: tarotbykathleen@gmail.com