March Psychic Ezine
Doing What’s Right In Tension with Your Independence
“What does he mean?” (the Hierophant), clients wonder when he appears in a reading. Typically, he looks stern; people bowing obsequiously in front of him; well appointed, and seated higher than all the other characters in the card. Hierophant loosely means Priest in Greek. Male, hierarchal (Hierophant), the Head of the state sanctioned religion. The Pope, for example. Using a more diffuse and softer definition, the Hierophant refers to a man who interprets religious mysteries. In possession of great wisdom, and spiritual acumen, he promises divine intervention in exchange for some form of payment.

The Hierophant is a proponent of the ancient practices of inherited, imperial hierarchy. He’s often in a close relationship with monarchy and can play a pivotal role in the lines of succession. Or rather the successful lines of succession. Not to be punny.
In personal, psychological terms, the Hierophant represents that part of ourselves that can get lazy, swallowing whole-heartedly, the guidelines of a spiritual tradition as laid out by ancestry. Because they have always been followed, the reasoning goes, they must be right and good and should continue to be followed. Without question, challenge, or even independent investigation of the truth. Too much work! Besides stepping outside our ancestral pressures to worship at a particular alter, may carry heavy consequences in inheritance, tribal approval and in some cases disfigurement and death. The toll of objection or indifference can be dire. Let’s not forget.
In classical Tarot meaning, The Hierophant card represents an adopted morality. Best practices according to a prescribed, formal religious treatise. Making commitments and adhering to them no matter how inconvenient or painful that may be. Words like pledge, promise, commitment, discipline and sacrifice are in accordance with the Hierophant. Teacher, tradition, classicism, and judgement are also relevant. If he shows up in a reading for example, about whether this single hunk of burning love is the marrying kind… well the Hierophant would suggest… yes indeed. Be warned however, his dark side might be more traditional than you might fancy.
The Hierophant from a Feminist Perspective
The Hierophant, in its classic meaning and position within the Tarot, has been described as a misogynistic figure by feminist and inclusive Tarot interpreters, like Vicki Noble and Rachel Pollock. Feminist Tarotists renamed him to open up this spiritual card to be more racially, gender, spiritually inclusive.
The ‘80’s were an exciting time for the Tarot in the western hemisphere! It burgeoned across all lines including scholarly, intuitively, and herstorically. Vicki in her Motherpeace Tarot, changed the Hierophant to Crone. A descriptor I prefer and celebrate more enthusiastically with every passing year. For obvious reasons.
The meaning was altered too. A fork in the road ahead is when the Crone appears to offer you a koan or riddle to confuse your choice even more. That’s what Spiritual Teachers and Guides are supposed to do.
The Emperor and the Hierophant
The Hierophant is 5 in the Major Arcana Tarot, not surprisingly and nearby is the Emperor at number 4. Curiously earlier than the Hierophant. The Emperor rules absolutely and the much esteemed religious leader is expected to have his back. He will lead the flock, with the heavy-weight of God’s will in his gavel, to follow the dictates of the Emperor. Without question or protest. Can be handy in times of war for example.
The Emperor looks to his religious partner for validation, guidance and protection. In exchange, the Hierophant is provided lush material comforts, security, admiration and respect demanded of the people by the Emperor. A cozy, self-aggrandizing system that keeps them all in power and rich. Oops. That pesky feminist child is always there at the ready.
These two cards together suggests that someone is wrestling against patriarchy and probably, misogyny.
“How are you being bullied into ceding to the status quo?”
“How are you following rules that are not applicable to you anymore?”
“Why are you feeling guilty for rebelling?”
“What might this contract or commitment mean in the future, knowing you will have to muscle through it regardless of how much of a sacrifice may be demanded?”
That’s the magic of the Tarot. It prompts questions that you wouldn’t normally consider in your situation. A process that leads to more insight until you know exactly where this situation is headed. It oddly seems to randomly reach into the depths of your personal and collective unconscious and pull out precisely what you need to consider right now before making a life-altering decision. So often clients have moaned that they wished they had consulted the oracle BEFORE making that fateful decision or choice.
I wish you a glorious Spring Equinox which is only a hop away. Spring, here in winter-wonderland, is profound. The smells, sounds, visions. I lived in northern Ontario for a couple of years when I was in my teens and the smell of the earth coming back to life in the spring was truly beyond measure.
On science and religion (“the parents of art”)
“When they hold sway together, many things were made clear by intuition that were afterward relegated to the domain of superstition. Science became (in the periods of materialists) a body without a soul; an expounding of an automaton without mind or spirit.”
Cora Richmond
When we are troubled, Cora lovingly offered a special ask prayer that she channeled early in her mediumship service,
“I need the aid, and the guidance, and influence of spiritual powers.”
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FAQ – Unveiling the Hierophant: Your Questions Answered by Kathleen
Dive deeper into the Hierophant’s wisdom with Kathleen’s insights. Your burning questions about tradition, guidance, and spiritual connection await.

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