Client Spontaneous Testimonials & Reviews
“inspiring email…”
“Dear Kathleen,
Thank you for this inspiring email and for the information about synchronicity. Not sure if you remember my email where I asked about synchronicity because I kept hear an absolute word or an unusual name repeated three times within a few days. The topic interests me, so I took your suggestion and researched the work of Carl Jung.
I look forward to receiving your emails each month. Like all your articles, “Garden Variety Psychic Events” was a joy to read.
Best regards, Carolyn
Burlington, Ontario”
“I truly enjoy reading your ezine every time you post them”
“I truly enjoy reading your ezine every time you post them. You have such a wonderful and eloquent writing style. I couldn’t help but wonder if you’ve ever considered writing a book. I think it would make a wonderful book and I would be first in line to buy it !
I am a bit of a hoarder and tend to hang onto a lot of things But I’ve been actively purging during this pandemic. That said, I came across notes I made from your introductory Tarot class that I took with you at the Learning Annex almost 20 years ago back in 2003. I would love to study with a master like yourself, although I don’t feel that I’m ready yet since I am still very much a beginner at the start of that journey . There is so much to learn But it is exhilarating and scary all at the same time. I am trusting my intuition that it is time to go down that path.
I hope to get the Christmas tree up in the next couple of days. It always brings me joy. Keep well and have a wonderful holiday season. I look forward to your next post.
Deborah “
“…you were correct in a prediction you gave me”
“Dear Kathleen,
I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Details of the Recommendation: “Everything that Kathleen told me in my tarot reading has come to pass. She is very accurate. In one of my readings Kathleen said: “don’t sign any legal documents tomorrow. Thanks to Kathleen I was able to avoid making a big mistake. She is one of the “real gifted” psychics! As well as being very well read and up to date in her field. In fact, she’s probably adding to that body of knowledge as we speak.”
Laura Lee

“…you were soooo right…”
Hi Kathleen
I want to say thank you to you for giving me the courage that I needed to look at my work situation and relax, knowing that everything would be fine in the end. I was able to concentrate on taking care of myself and those that I love, instead of worrying about getting a new job.
When I saw you at the end of January, you told me that by the end of the summer I would have a new career doing something that I had not thought of in the past. You were sooooooo right, the perfect job just fell into my lap and I started yesterday. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. Keep in touch.
“…everything you had predicted played out….”
Hi Kathleen
This is a bit of feedback for you. You may remember doing a Tarot Reading for my Granddaughter Corrie. During our Christmas celebration this year she informed me that everything you had predicted played out. She confided that she thought the reading was “right off the wall” until it all started to unfold just the way you had laid it out. She said to thank you as being prepared or aware of some of the outcomes helped immensely. So THANK YOU Kathleen for helping her “escape” some of the consequences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Cheers Freya
“….you have no idea how accurate you were on some things….”
Kathleen, thank you so much for this afternoon!
My mom has been to many psychics in her life but she said that you were the first one that she truly felt comfortable with. You have no idea how accurate you were on some things with both of us! She has already been raving about you to all of her friends so I wouldn’t be surprised if a few call you.
Thanks again and hope to be in touch in the future
“…you gave me strength…”
Hi Kathleen,
I hope you are well.
I came to see you last September – desperate, crying and completely unsure of myself. You had predicted three things for me – that my then boyfriend would try to see me after three months of me leaving him, that I would get the job in Ottawa, and that my then boyfriend would move to Montreal. Although only the last of these came true, I believe the changes I experienced since seeing you, and the subsequent changes in what I wanted out of life may have led to different outcomes from those you predicted. Still, had I never seen you I may never have walked out on my ex and realised who my true friends were – nor just how miserable I truly was in that relationship. You gave me strength. Thank you.
I’m currently ambling through life again, a little lost in direction – though happier than I was in September last year. I hope to be able to arrange a phone reading with you in the near future.
Thanks again.
“…I saw you on television a few weeks ago. You were amazing….”
Hi Kathleen; I saw you on television a few weeks ago. You were amazing. My daughter finally met someone. I think he’s the one!
Thank you again, I feel so much more relaxed :))
“…I am still amazed at how accurate you described…”
Thanks Kathleen for providing me with some insight into my life and for putting my thoughts at ease… I am very impressed with what you had to tell me and I am still amazed at how accurate you described my current life and the people in it.
From Janet, phone caller on TV Show Real Women Live! May 23/09
“…I thank you so much for that life-changing experience.”
My name’s Melissa, I came to see you for a reading just over 3 years ago. I had just graduated from college, and was stuck in a bad job. You guided me on a path out West and I thank you so much for that life-changing experience. I find myself again at another crossroads, I know I need to change something because I feel restless and frusterated with myself. I keep trying to get out of this slump and I seem to slip right back in. I want a change, I just can’t figure out what, and need your guidance again. May I please schedule another session with you?
Thanks Melissa
“…your reading was amazingly accurate.”
“Hi Kathleen,
Your reading was amazingly accurate, I’m currently pregnant and you said I would be by Sept. 18th, this year or next. I found out Sept. 22nd!!!
Yeah Kathleen!”
Thank you, Lynn
Arrange an Amazing Reading with Kathleen
You can arrange for a tarot psychic reading on the phone, or tarot reading text chat. You can make a payment directly using your credit card below. Processing can take up to 2 hours depending on time of day and internet traffic. Once your payment has been made below email Kathleen to arrange a time to do your reading. Kathleen will respond to your payment within 24 hours to arrange an appointment time.

Order Reading Time with Kathleen
Read the testimonials from satisfied clients, read Kathleen’s qualifications, and e-mail Kathleen at to arrange an appointment.
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